Start Stretching and Moving your way to Mastery from your Home Training Space (dojo) with the Level Up Mastery System
Discover a step by step system to become a skilled Martial Artist from your home training space (dojo) without breaking your bank.
FOCUS is the gateway to Discipline, and Discipline is the Bridge to Success
We have a 100% Free gift for you to say thank you for visiting with us. Click below and recieve our Free Guide - 12 Ways to improve your Childs Focus. This is a totally Free Guide with several tips, tricks, and techniques to aid in assisting your child with focus that you can apply immediately.

Patricia Warren and Her Grand daughter Airyn in their own words.
Listen while she shares about their families journey of self mastery, victory, and growth through the shisei Ryu karate system at Supreme Martial Arts-The Mastery Center.
Live and Virtual Zoom Courses Available
Children's Beginner Karate Course
(ages 4-11)
Give your child the gift of Mastery Today. Three sessions (30 Min./each) to Lay the Foundation for Better Health, Discipline, Concentration, Focus, Strength, Listening, Respect and more. Our Mastery system is the ultimate Bully Repellent.
Adult Beginner Karate Course (ages 12 & Up)
Your Mastery Experience begins with 3 fun and exciting training sessions. 30 Minutes each, your Instructors will guide you into Flexibility, Strength, Balance, Coordination, Breath, and Power! We are a Mastery School and will show you the Martial Science of Positive Self Awareness Psychology.
Wanomichi (Ages 12 & Up)
A unique Martial Art specializing in using an attacker's energy and directing and redirecting it back to them in order to Control the encounter. Wanomichi practitioners actively Grow and Evolve with the teachings of the founder of Takemusu Aiki, Morihei Ueshiba.